
Digital Coast Development

FERI Trust is competent to provide geospatial advisories, solutions and applications in climate change, fisheries and environmental domains. The division is mentored by researchers with doctorate in Remote Sensing and GIS. In the context of climate change, environmental pollution and community vulnerabilities, the action gap among the stakeholders could be reduced through geospatial technologies. 

By visualizing interlinked data, the decision-makers can identify and evaluate the patterns and trends, so as to enhance and monitor the effectiveness of policies and program implementation. The resource planning and management can be enhanced through identification of optimum location for public services and through the assessment of the existing village infrastructure. Real time information about occurences and magnitude of natural disasters helps in emergency response and resilience. Citizen engagement facilitates generation of real time data, interactive maps and first hand perceptions on various situations.  

Foundation for Environmental Research and Innovation provides the geospatial services, but not limited to as mentioned below

Habitat mapping: The marine habitats of importance can be mapped and further monitored using remote sensing and satellite imageries. We do undertake work to map coastal wetlands and aquafarms along with the mangrove cover assessment. Classification of habitats based on impacts, vulnerability and pollution status could be provided. 

Community mapping: Geospatial technologies could be deployed to identify and map the communities that are vulnerable to multiple stressors such as climate change, environmental pollution. The indigenous communities could be empowered to negate the stressors and to enhance the livelihood support through community planning, optimum resource management and environmental response. 

3D Coastal Infrastructure: The 2D open data and geospatial technologies shall be utilized to generate 3D dataset of coastal cities and villages. Enhancement of spatial resolution of Sentinel 2 satellite images can be done. 3D based coastal infrastructure visualization could be handy tool for the decision makers to enhance the coastal resilience. 

Fisheries Supply Chain: Integration of geospatial technologies to enable catch location information and certification can be provided, which in turn could boost the Indian seafood industry through implementation of traceability and sustainability techniques. The location update services can be extended to monitor the stock flow through the fisheries supply chain stakeholders. Logistics route optimisation through geospatial techniques are offered to reduce the post harvest loss and to strengthen the market linkages. 

Feel free to consult us on customised solutions related to geospatial and remote sensing techniques. 
