
Sustainable Development of Indian Ocean

Climate change have significant impacts on Indian Ocean and the fishing villages of the nation, with several contributory factors such as Sea Level Rise, Precipitation pattern, Chlorophyll variations, Ocean Acidification, Salinity changes and Sea Surface Temperature. 

Though several oceanographic projections based on CMIP5 and CMIP6 datasets are available, scientific expertise on regional downscaling and validation techniques are required to generate model corrected regional oceanographic parameters.

Foundation for Environmental Research and Innovation have scientific expertise to carry out the oceanographic forecast and modelling at regional scales. 

Our CMIP5 and CMIP6 based oceanographic projection services includes, but not limited as follows

Oceanographic data conversion to common format

Regional level uniform marine/oceanographic dataset creation for coastal states or districts

Time series analysis of oceanographic parameters 

Multi-decadal seasonal and zone-wise spatiotemporal analysis (monthly and yearly) of oceanographic variations

Validations of model data with satellite and real time oceanographic data

Regional climatic projections of oceanographic parameters in near, mid and far time scales

Vulnerability and Risk predictions at species and ecosystem level

The Research Scientist of FERI Trust have scientific expertise in large data analysis,oceanographic research, shell scripting, FERRET, CDO, NCL, Python, R, C and FORTRAN with working platform as LINUX/UNIX system. 

The services could be extended to assess the health and impact of the ocean ecosystem based on physical and biogeochemical ocean indicators, so as to contribute towards sustainable ocean governance. 
