
Enhancing resilience of Indian coasts and Fisheries sector

Climate change associated events such as cyclones, heavy precipitations, floods have profound impacts on marine as well as inland fisheries sector of the nation. As the frequency and intensities of climatic adversities are found to increase in future, it is imperative to develop climate resilient strategies for Indian fishing villages. Owing to the diverse demographics, micro-climate and socio-economics, village specific tailored climate resilient strategies have to be developed. 

We could provide services to enhance the climate resilience of Indian fishing villages in line with below mentioned components, followed by village specific comprehensive action and implementation plan preparation.

Climate Risk Assessment: The service involves identifying the village level risks associated with climate change, such as sea level rise, increased storm intensity, erosion, precipitation changes and flooding. A thorough assessment can help identify vulnerable areas and suggest adaptation measures to minimize the impact of climate change. A baseline database of historic climatic parameters for the fishing village of study could be delivered along with the climatic projections for near, mid and far future in updated CMIP6 based datasets. 

Adaptation Planning: An action plan that outlines the steps needed to adapt to climate change could be developed. This includes identifying the necessary infrastructure, such as sea walls, dikes, and drainage systems, as well as identifying strategies to reduce the risk of coastal erosion and flooding. Adaptation planning encompass the social and ecological factors as well as the scope of digital technologies. 

Ecosystem Restoration and Enhancement: Restoring natural ecosystems and enhancing their resilience to climate change could be performed. The restoration of mangroves, wetlands, and dunes can help protect coastlines from erosion and flooding. Nature based solutions to climatic challenges shall be explored. 

Capacity Building and Training: Training and capacity building to local communities and stakeholders could be provided to enhance the collective resilience. Efforts shall be undertaken to bridge the gap between traditional and scientific knowledge so as to combat better on the climatic adversities. 

Social Entrepreneurship: As the direct impact of climate change on society is income loss followed by livelihood insecurities, adequate prioritisation shall be given to implement social entrepreneurship model within the sector, so as to reduce the dependency or migration to other sectors. Social Entrepreneurship shall be a lucrative sustainable resilience model for the sector. 

Monitoring and Evaluation: The service involves monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of coastal adaptation measures. This includes monitoring changes in sea level, storm intensity, and coastal erosion, as well as assessing/measuring the effectiveness of adaptation measures in reducing risk and enhancing resilience. Climate reporting in participatory approach is envisaged as among the significant important output.

Fostering Innovations: Village level innovative approaches towards climatic resilience could be mapped and nurtured. Exploration of public-private-NGO partnerships and facilitation to scaleup the novel resilience practices could be attained. Prospects of climate resilient products development and novel applications could be investigated and reported for further scaleups. 

Climate Resilient Action plan for the Indian fishing villages could be evolved through us based on the above listed, but not limited to, components. 
