Ready to Deploy Digital Solutions for Indian Fisheries Sector

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the Indian fisheries supply chain owing to multiple scenarios such as ban of physical auctions at many harbours, interstate logistics controls, frequent closures of fish selling shops, and restrictions on market crowds. 

The customers now swing to online shopping mode, with many new service providers making home deliveries of fishes. However the pricing seems to be higher than the nearby small scale fish shops and the customers have no proof of quality than trusting the brand names ! But it is known that brand names are not proof of quality. 

The scenario emphasis the necessity to adopt digital solutions to sustain the healthy fisheries supply chain. The FERI Trust, as a NGO focuses on digital transformation of Indian fisheries sector and accordingly undertake a project 'Resinnov Blue' to develop digital solutions for the quality oriented fisheries stakeholders. The Resinnov Blue project incubated through ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (ICAR-CIFT), Kochi develops novel technologies to foster the digital fisheries supply chain operations. 

MoU signed between ICAR-CIFT and FERI Trust towards integration of E-Commerce with Quality practices

As the first phase, bundle of digital technologies has been developed and are ready to launch. 

Online Auction Platform for Indian Fisheries sector: A digital platform has been developed that shall empower the boat owners and other stakeholders to perform online auction. The platform onlinefishtrade.com helps the registered stakeholders to sell their catch online, thereby could bypass the harbour restrictions of physical auctions. Three types of auctions incremental, automatic and reverse has been incorporated, so as to facilitate trade among fishermen, fish farmers, wholesalers and retailers. This is the first national instance of launching novel online auction platform for Indian fisheries sector. 

E-Marketplace for fish retailers: Digital platform onlinefishsales.com has been developed to upgrade the physical shops to digital shops instantly, so as to connect with the nearby end consumers. The website provides options for customers to find the nearby shops along with choice to purchase products featured in Q Channel. The Q Channel products shall be randomly checked for quality assurance through sensory attribute assessment.

Further, bundle of technologies are being developed to enable digital trade for the Indian fisheries sector. Sponsor and redeem programs, IOT for live catch reporting and market linkages are among the key components. 

Collaborations are most welcome for implementation of solutions towards digital transformation of the sector.  

Branded shops with verifiable proof of quality along with affordable pricing for end consumers are being developed with incorporation of e-commerce technology. Indian Fish Bazaar and Cochin Fish Club are two brands nearing launch.  Investors can explore new horizons of E-Commerce application in Indian fisheries supply chain. As a team of competent researchers with novel technologies as well as with innovative perspectives, we are in the process to implement quality assured sustainable fisheries supply chain across the nation. 
